Piano lessons are great for everyone, really, but if you have a young child who is in school for only a few hours each day, this is the perfect time to sign him or her up for piano lessons.
Music Helps Kids Learn
Countless studies have shown the many benefits of learning music, especially in young children. Listening to music and learning to sing and dance with music has many benefits, but learning to play a musical instrument compounds those benefits and more.
Brain Benefits
Mentally, children learn focus, determination, discipline and confidence. Learning to play music emphasizes the ABC’s and early counting skills.
Like Learning A Foreign Language
Music is highly correlated to learning a language. It is spoken (the instrument is the voice) and written, and requires the development of the same neural pathways required to speak traditional languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Hebrew, Chinese, etc…).
Enforces Math Concepts
The rhythm and tones of music awaken math concepts without children even knowing it. (Music is highly scientific, organized by concepts of physics – more than most are aware.)
Confidence Boosting
Learning to play a musical instrument builds confidence as children learn that their actions can create sounds and expressions that bring joy to themselves and others.
Physical Benefits
Physically, learning to play a musical instrument helps children develop both fine and gross motor skills. It helps them learn to listen well. It helps focus fine motor development as playing a musical instrument requires precise physical control and actions.
Piano Is Perfect For Beginning Music Lessons
A piano, as long as it is well-tuned or digital, sounds good right away. When you press a key with any finger, a note is played. It doesn’t require a special way to hold your body or your lips, or special ways to breathe in order to produce a sound. It may not always be the correct note, but a clear, pleasant sound comes out, no matter what.
Of course, there are good technique habits to develop when learning to play the piano, but the sound is easy to produce, compared to other instruments.
Being able to easily play notes on a piano frees young students to focus more on learning to read the musical notation.
Curriculum Fosters A Love For Music & Builds A Foundation of Knowledge & Skills
The curriculum used for these young piano students fosters a love for music. It is fun with measured progress. What young children can learn in piano lessons is knowledge and skills which will carry forward in school and builds a strong foundation for learning other musical instruments later on.
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