About Me
Cristin Patterson Is A Professional Musician
In A Nut-ShellI began taking violin lessons when I was 5 years old and piano lessons when I was 7. I added percussion to my musical pursuits in 5th grade so that I could play the xylophone in marching band! I studied these instruments through College and graduated from the University of Colorado (go Buffs!) with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music. I toured professionally in a top-40 rock band, where I learned to play guitar and developed my singing skills. I “Play” For A Living!I am so blessed to be doing what I have loved since I was a child – making music and sharing it with others. When I “work,” I “play!” Really, it’s always been called “playing” music. I was learning to “play” the violin and to “play” the piano. I was learning to “play” the next piece of music and to “play” it better. Not many other professionals can boast that they “play” for a living! Keeping Music Alive In Our HomesIn these tough economic times, I am compelled to find solutions for families and individuals, my family included, to keep the joy of music alive and growing in our homes. With school budgets dwindling, instrumental music programs for children are disappearing. I want to help keep music from becoming a “forgotten” art. MusicianTip.comI have created this web site to that end. Here you will find trusted tips, advice, and techniques for music students and teachers, beginners and pros and everyone in between! World-Wide Web Is Full of OpportunitiesWe are surrounded by more valuable opportunities and tools than we realize. More people than ever could be learning to play musical instruments, and could be making music if they only knew what was available to them. If you have found this Web site, then you are already using the most powerful tool available – technology – and you can embark on a journey to begin music or to develop your talent further. I Will Help You All The Way!
Sign up for my newsletter, MusicianTip News, to receive updates from me when I find helpful music tips to share. I will include fun things, too, like my family’s favorite songs, videos of my children learning music, great gift ideas . . . and more! Leave Comments, Please!As you take a look around this web site, feel free to leave comments along the way. I’d love to get to know you! Your voice matters! (Please, NO SPAM!!) |
~ Musical Achievements ~
South Metro Denver Private Music Instructor: Piano, Violin, Viola and Cello – All Ages & Abilities
(1995-Present) Freelance Musician For Weddings, Funerals, Neighborhood Parties, Church Services & Special Programs … ‘Hott Stuff’ Top-40 Variety Electronic Midi Duo: Keyboard, Violin/Fiddle, Guitar & Vocals Cherry Creek High School String Specialist ‘Safe Six’ Full-Time Top-40 Variety Band: Keyboards, Violin/Fiddle, Guitar & Vocals ‘Hott Mustard’ Classic Rock and Top-40 Band: Keyboards & Vocals Honorary Quartet Chamber Music Scholarship at C.U. University of Colorado Symphonic and Chamber Orchestras and Quartets University of Colorado Marching and Symphonic Bands, and Wind Ensemble Member of Kappa Kappa Psi, Honorary Music Fraternity Elected Secretarial Officer of Kappa Kappa Psi National Piano Playing Guild Ten-Year Scholarship Denver Young Artists Orchestra Cherry Creek H.S. Symphonic and Chamber Orchestras, Marching and Symphonic Bands * Contact Me *Ask Me A Question
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hi, My son goes to piano class, today is his 3rd session, his tehecar encourge him to use both hands fingers to play, it is difficult for my 8 yrs old son, every session with diffferent tehecar, I think it is awufull, or may be good, I don’t know, they may have same piano rules? but one tehecar told him left hand thumb is number 5 and other told left hand thumb is number 1??? which one is right, you said in your video thumb is number 1.
Yes, indeed, thumbs are number one on both hands! Seems easy, but they sound opposite so it can be confusing. Right Hand thumb note sounds low and the pinkie note, number 5, sounds high. Left Hand is backwards – the thumb note sounds high and the pinkie note, number 5, sounds low.
These rules and theory rules remain the same (or should!) no matter who is teaching – IF it is a well-qualified teacher. Consistency is helpful in early learning, just like in school. Good luck – I hope you get it straightened out. Please ask me more questions and I will help if I can. Nice to “meet” you.